Application Notes
App Note: Implementing Concurrent/Floating Licenses
The Desaware Licensing System emphasizes flexibility and extensibility. It is designed to be an infrastructure product that can be easily integrated into existing business systems.
One of the most frequent requests we hear is for concurrent or “floating” licensing – the ability for software to be installed on many systems but only run on a limited number of those systems simultaneously. This application note contains a sample implementation of a floating license system built upon the Desaware Licensing System (DLS) infrastructure.
The application note includes a everything you need to implement concurrent licensing including a concurrency server, management tool, and sample client code. It can be easily integrated into current systems.
Note - this version of the application note uses the 1.x plugin model but is compatible with version 2 of the licensing system.
Download Application Note: Implementing Concurrent/Floating Licensing
Buy the Desaware Licensing System for $1495 (includes one client and one server license)