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SubclassingSubclassing refers to the process of intercepting Windows messages that are normally processed behind the scenes. The .NET System.Windows.Forms namespace makes it unnecessary to subclass your own forms (you have direct access to the windows message function), however it is less trivial to subclass controls (or 3 rd party controls). There is no mechanism in .NET to subclass forms in other processes or AppDomains. SpyWorks 8.0 introduces a new hook engine and anti-spyware technology that helps prevent use of Spyworks components for spyware. For those migrating from Visual Basic, we also include primary interop assemblies for the dwsbc36.ocx control. The Desaware Subclassers feature the following:
Below are some of the common uses for subclassing.
Windows and Keyboard HooksWindows hooks provide a mechanism to intercept messages (including mouse, system or keyboard messages) before they reach their target window. Desaware's hook technology allows you to reliably define the scope of the hook, from a specific thread or window, to the entire system. SpyWorks 8.0 introduces a new hook engine and anti-spyware technology that helps prevent use of Spyworks components for spyware. For those migrating from Visual Basic, we also include a primary interop assembly for the dwshk36.ocx control. The SpyWorks hook components support the following features:
Below are some of the common uses for window and keyboard hooks.
Export FunctionsThere are three ways to expose functions from a dynamic link library: .NET lets you expose public objects to any .NET client. COM exposes functions through interfaces and automation. Function exports expose functions through a function table within a DLL. Visual Basic .NET and C# provide built-in support only for the .NET and COM approaches. Desaware's Dynamic Export Technology allows you to export functions in a manner that is 100% compatible with Visual Basic .NET and C#. Your assemblies are not not modified in any way. Low Level Function LibraryThe SpyWorks Function Library includes cross-process memory functions that allow you to allocate or access memory in another process. These are useful when you need to access memory belonging to another application while subclassing it. An example of this is when retrieving the data from multi-line edit or rich text controls in another process. Buy SpyWorks as part of Desaware's .NET Universal Bundle for $649 or Buy COM AND .NET Universal packages for $995 . |
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