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Products > Desaware Universal .NET > OneTime Download-5M |
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OneTime Download
Get Both! Universal .NET & COM Only $995 with source |
Links are amazing things.
They point to web pages or images.
But imagine the flexibility if you could easily create links that exist for a limited time only, or that exist for a limited time after first use. A link that limits the number of IP addresses that can use it. A link that once used, invalidates another set of links.
OneTimeDownload-5M is the ideal link manager for ASP.NET. And like all of the Universal .NET package - you not only get this advanced functionality, you get the source code to see how it's done.
Screen shot shows an example application in which limited access links are used to distribute promotional eBooks. Click on the image for a full size view.
Buy Desaware's OneTimeDownload-5M as Part of the Universal .NET bundle for $649 or Buy COM AND .NET Universal packages for $995 .