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Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to the Win32 API
$47.99 [Print]

Common Errors

If during installation you receive a message indicating that a file ex20a.vbw cannot be opened, you need an updated setup program (1st printing, VB6 edition).

Somewhere during the very final steps of burning the CD for the latest edition of the Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to the Win32 API a discrepancy appeared between the list of files in the setup program and those on the CD. As a result, when you attempt to install the VB6 sample files, the setup program aborts when it finds that the (totally unnecessary) ex20a.vbw file is missing from the CD.

To solve this problem there are two approaches:

  1. Don't install the VB6 sample files using the program. Instead, copy them manually from the CD.

  2. Use the updated setup program vbpg32.exe located on our web site at . This program is identical to the one on the CD except that it will prompt you to select the drive containing the CD-ROM, and it does not search for the non-existent ex20a.vbw file.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

If you are receiving "File Not Found" errors, or one of the sample applications from the book are hanging with an odd flashing that can't be stopped, you may have a corrupt version of the file apigid32.dll (2nd printing, VB5 edition).

We don't know how it happened, but some of the editions of Dan Appleman's Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to the Win32 API and Developing ActiveX Components with Visual Basic 5.0, include a corrupt version of the file apigid32.dll in their support directory.

You can download an updated version from our web site at .

As a consolation for your trouble (and thanks to improved compilers), this new version is half the size of the previous one and does not require MFC or C runtime DLLs.

What about Visual Basic 6?

The book that you are now reading was printed after the release of Visual Basic 6. VB6 did not make any noticeable changes to the way Win32 API functions are called from Visual Basic. Therefore, this book remains substantially unchanged from the previous edition with the exception of the usual minor corrections that are discovered and incorporated in the normal course of doing a reprint. Any references to VB5 should be assumed to apply to VB6 as well. The code listings in the book remain in VB5 format, though there is a separate VB6 source tree provided on CD for convenience. Refer to the CD-ROM help file for any last minute changes.

ListAPI won't register as an add-in when run from the CD-ROM

When you run ListAPI from the CD-ROM and try to use the Make ListAPI an Add-In command, a "path not found" error occurs. This error occurs because the file lstaddin.exe is missing from the CD. To solve the problem, copy the lstaddin project files to your hard drive and create lstaddin.exe. Then copy ListAPI.exe and the apidata.mdb file to the same directory and run it from there. To save space, you can use apidata.mdb on the CD-ROM, but you'll need to modify the code to reference the database on the CD.

If you are finding strange characters in program listings, your copy may be suffering from a printer font substitution error (2nd printing, VB5 edition).

In what is probably the worst screw-up I've seen from a publisher, throughout many of the listings in the book, the character '0' has been replaced by a funny '-' character in the most recent printing.

Unfortunately, there is little that can be done if you have one of these older copies - this edition of the book is long out of print.



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