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Developing COM/ActiveX Components with VB6: A Guide to the Perplexed
Contact Desaware directly to purchase the eBook edition.
Learn to create any type of component in VB6
Part I - Core Technologies
1. ActiveX Myths
- ActiveX is only important for Internet programming and web sites.
- ActiveX is only for advanced VB programmers.
- ActiveX is only important if you are creating servers or controls.
2. ActiveX - A historical (but technical) perspective
- From DDE to OLE 1.0 - Who cares anymore?
- The Road to ActiveX
- ActiveX - Is it technology or is it marketing?
3. Objects and Visual Basic
- The Theory of Object-Oriented Programming
- Objectless Programming
- Once Again, with Objects
- The Theory of Object Oriented Programming Revisited.
4. The Component Object Model: Interfaces, Automation and Binding
- Characteristics of COM Objects
- The Sunday COMics
- Automation (Dispatch) Interfaces and Binding
5. Aggregation and Polymorphism
- Back To Binding
- An Object As Object
- Aggregation
- An Object Implements.
6. The Life and Times of an ActiveX Component
- Objects: Are They Real or Are They Memory?
- Process Spaces: The Final Frontier
- Object Life Cycles - DLL, EXE and Remote Objects
- Object and interface identification.
- Where objects live.
7. ActiveX Components - What's in a name?
- Classes
- ActiveX DLL's (Code Components) (in process)
- ActiveX Servers (out of process)
- ActiveX Controls
- ActiveX Documents (doc objects)
- IIS Applications
Part II - Code Components
8. The Project
- Project overview: Project/Classes/Modules/Forms
- Designing the Object Model
- Instancing
- Project Properties
9. Creating and testing components.
- Quick look at the UI
- Creating and Testing ActiveX Components
- Referencing and reference order
- Error Handling
10. Code & Classes - Beyond the Manuals.
- Methods and Properties
- Procedure Attributes
- Object Procedures: Public, Private and Friend.
- Selected Topics
11. Events
- A Method by Any Other name
- Back to COM
- Combining OLE Callbacks and OLE Events
- Control Events
12. Collecting Objects
- Characteristics of Collections and Dictionaries
- The Three Four Approaches to Exposing Collections
13. Object Lifetime
- Referencing
- Circular References
- Selected Topics
- MTS Object Lifetime
14. Multithreading
- On Threads and Processes
- Multithreaded Components
- Testing and Debugging Multithreaded Components
- Multithreading Examples
- Background Operations Revisited
15. Bringing it all together: The StockQuote server
- Top Down Design
- Implementation
Part III - ActiveX Controls
16. ActiveX Control Fundementals
- Things that every programmer should know about ActiveX Controls before they write a single line of code.
- Design time vs. Runtime vs. Design time vs. Runtime
- The Three Four Models for Control Creation
17. The UserControl Object
- LifeTime Related Events
- Introduction to Property Persistance
- Siting and Display Events and Properties
- Focus Events and Properties
- Transparent Controls
- Other Properties and Methods
18. The Extender and Ambient Objects
- The Extender object
- Ambient Properties
19. The Wonderful World of Properties
- Property types
- Property Procedures
- Control Procedure Attributes
- Custom Objects
- Persistance
- Databinding
20. Property Pages and others.
- Property Page Fundementals
- Property Page Techniques
- About Boxes
21. ActiveX controls for the Internet
- The hyperlink object
- ActiveX controls on web pages
- Downloading, Security and Signing
- The dwBanner control
22. Advanced Techniques
- Visual Basic vs. Visual C++
- Overview of Windows Messaging
- Messaging Examples
- A Tale of Four ListBoxes
Part IV - ActiveX Documents
23. ActiveX Document Fundementals
- What is an ActiveX Document?
- ActiveX Document Programming
- The UserDocument Object
24. Active Documents and the Internet
- The Realty ActiveX Document
- ActiveX documents and HTML
Part V - Selected Topics
25. Versioning
- Version Resources
- Version Compatibility
26. Licensing and Distribution
- The Purpose of Licensing
- ActiveX Control Licensing
- Alternative Licensing Approaches
27. IIS Applications
- Dynamic HTML
- Active Server Pages
- Introducing Webclasses - Another Point of View
28. A Matter of State
- Understanding State
- Exploring State in IIS Applications
- Closing Note