Note: This page describes a legacy product. This page is available for archival purposes and as a courtesy to those who have linked to it, but is no longer being updated or maintained.
Product Licensing
CAS/Tester is licensed per machine. It contains no redistributable components: Desaware, Inc.
Software License
Please read this agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this license,
promptly return the product and all accompanying items to the place from which you obtained them.
This software is protected
by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
This program will be licensed to you for use only
on a single computer. If you wish to install it on additional computers, you must purchase additional software licenses.
You may (and should) make archival copies of the software for backup purposes.
You may not make copies of this software
for other people. Companies or schools interested in multiple copy licenses or site licenses should contact Desaware,
Inc. directly at (408) 404-4760.
You have a royalty-free right to incorporate any of the sample code provided into your
own applications with the stipulation that you agree that Desaware, Inc. has no warranty, obligation or liability, real
or implied, for its performance.
Licensing: CAS/Tester uses the Desaware Licensing System Component. This framework provides
for the transfer of licensing information from the system upon which CAS/Tester is installed, to Desaware’s Licensing
Web Service. This in turn creates and activates a license key that allows you to use CAS/Tester on your system. The licensing
information transferred is a one way cryptographic hash that does not include any personal information, or information
that could be used to identify the originating system.
File Descriptions: You may not distribute any compiled files included
with CAS/Tester. The files prohibited are: Desaware.CASTester.exe, Desaware.CASTester11.exe, Desaware.MachineLicense.dll,
Desaware.MachineLicense11.dll, Desaware.CASTester.dll, Desaware.CASTester11.dll, CASTesterAddIn.dll, CASTesterAddIn11.dll,
CASTesterAddIn.tlb, CASTesterAddIn11.tlb, CASTesterInstaller.exe, CASTesterInstaller11.exe, CASTesterLauncher.exe, CASTesterLauncher11.exe,
CASTesterUI.dll, CASTesterUI11.dll, and CASTester10.dlsc.
Source Files: Source code for portions of CAS/Tester are included
for educational purposes only. You may use this source code in your own applications only if they provide primary
and significant functionality beyond that included in the software product. You may not use this source code to develop
or distribute components and tools that provide functionality similar to all or part of the functionality provided by
any of the components or tools included in the CAS/Tester package. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft
Corporation. Visual Basic, Visual Studio, Windows, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows
XP are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. CAS/Tester, SpyWorks, NT Service Toolkit, StateCoder, VersionStamper, StorageTools,
Event Log Toolkit, ActiveX Gallimaufry, Custom Control Factory, and SpyNotes #2, The Common Dialog Toolkit are trademarks
of Desaware, Inc.