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Moving to VB .NET: Strategies, Concepts and Code
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Note: This page describes a product or book that, while still relevant to .NET programmers, is based on an earlier version of the .NET framework. The page is available for archival purposes and as a courtesy to those who have linked to it, but is no longer being updated or maintained.

Moving to VB .NET: Strategies, Concepts and Code
$44.99 [Print]

Table Of Contents

Book Cover
The essential guide for VB6 developers moving to .NET

Part 1 - Strategies

1. Where should you begin?

About keeping technology in context and how VB.Net is not just marketing hype, but represents a significant (dramatic, unbelievable) change.

2. Facing VB.Net, without fear or panic

About the human factors and business factors faced by VB developers. The fact that VB.Net isn't compatible with VB and the need to carefully determine when and how to adopt this new technology.

3. Adoption Strategies

About adoption scenarios, the wisdom of porting and the costs involved in learning this new technology.

Part 2 - Concepts

These are the most important core concepts that VB6 programmers must understand before they begin programming in .NET. They are the areas where VB programmers are most likely to be betrayed by their previoius habits.

4. .NET in context

About virtual machines and the weakness of COM. How the CLR addresses and solves the problems of COM (circular reference problem). Covers some of the controversies regarding the architectural change of VB.Net (both IDE and "wizard" based approach).

5. Inheritance - the coolest feature you'll almost never use

Begins with a discussion of code reuse. Shows the weakness of VB6 and how .NET makes interface implementation much more effective than in VB6. Demonstrates inheritance and why most of the features VB6 programmers wanted inheritance to solve are actually better solved through aggregation in the .NET environment. Addresses the use of inheritance in the framework and the solution of the Fragile base class problem.

6. Memory Management in .NET

About the difference between reference and value types, and why many VB6 user defined types are better implemented as classes under .NET.

Discusses garbage collection and the finalization problem along with IDisposable.

7. Multithreading

Introduces multithreading and shows the dangers of free threading and the importance of good design. Several synchronization approaches are shown. Reviews how to decide when is multithreading really appropriate.

Part 3 - Code

In this section we cover other changes to langauge. Some due to CLR. Some due to general cleanup. Reflect things to know and use, but not necessarily new concepts.

8. Data Types

Covers the changes to data types and language syntax that relates to declaration and use of variables.

9. Language Sytntax

Covers general changes to the syntax of the language, focusing on program flow and language structure. Error handling is covered here.

10. Objects in depth

Discusses changes to the use of objects, visibility, methods and properties. Also covers events.

11. Reflection and Attributes

Indirect calls, attributes, reflection


Part 4 - The Wonderful World of .NET

12. The System Namespaces

Survey of the key system namespaces. Includes Collections, File I/O, printing, and ADO.NET.

13. Windows Applications

Introduction to Windows forms. Key changes and application architecture and how to learn more.

14. Internet Applications and Services

Introduction to webforms and webservices. How to design distributed applications in .NET. .Net Remoting

15. COM Interop and Accessing the Win32 API

Shows how to use COM from .NET and how to create .NET components that work properly with COM (including early binding). Covers P-Invoke and key changes such as loss of "As Any", marshaling and the problem of structure layouts.

16. Living with .NET

Important concepts to consider when living under .NET. Major topics include security and versioning.

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